Author Archives: Arsène Nitunga

Welcome to Céu do Montréal


June 2022 – 5 years since we received our Section 56 Exemption.

1997 – 2022 25 year anniversary of Céu do Montréal.

Viva Céu do Montreal!

Viva the Santo Daime!

Photo by @kierinsight (

Céu do Montréal, Eclectic Centre for the Universal Flowing Light, is an independent Santo Daime church, a non-profit, and federally incorporated, Part 11 Corporation, founded in Montréal Canada in 1997. Céu do Montréal is volunteer-managed, and supported by members and visitors and their donations. We maintain our website and all the information on it as a community education effort.

Mestre, La Mer, La Nature (Photo par:

Santo Daime
The Santo Daime is a syncretic spiritual practice founded in the Brazilian Amazonic state of Acre in the 1930’s by Raimundo Irineu Serra, known as Mestre Irineu. The Santo Daime is syncretic, in that it incorporates elements of several religious or spiritual traditions, including; Christianity, South American Shamanism, African Animism, Kardec Spiritism and Eastern transcendental wisdom. Central to the Santo Daime practice is the sacrament taken in spiritual rituals, known as Works, which is also known as Santo Daime. The Santo Daime became a worldwide movement in the 1990’s, and currently has an international presence.

Single Sacrament
Please note that Céu do Montreal is a single Sacrament church and does not tolerate the use of any substances before, during or after a Spiritual Service. We ask all attendees to respect the direction of Mestre Irineu who advised mindfulness and abstention regarding diet and habits during the three days before and three days after the Works.

Céu do Montréal is an independent Santo Daime church and a non-profit organization, volunteer-managed, and supported by members and visitors and their donations. We maintain our website and all the information on it as a community education effort. Please help to support our endeavours.

To make a direct donation click the button below

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