Bryan Dechter
The Santo Daime sacrament is considered to be the essential Teacher and the vehicle to the direct experience with the Divine and the Celestial Kingdom. In the encounter with the Daime and the Divine Light it would appear that there are stages involved in the process of transformation and purification that are required in order to become mediums or channels for the Light and for the Beings or Guardians of the Light.
Mediumship and channelling are processes in spiritualism of giving form or expression in physical reality to discarnate intelligence, beings, entities or energies. Both mediumship and channelling can manifest differently from person to person. This range can include artistic expression in everyday life to the incorporation of a spirit guide during a sacred ritual. In Eastern philosophies, the highest form of incorporation and manifestation is in compassionate service, where the Love and Light of the Divine Heart is revealed through an individual’s daily life. In the Santo Daime tradition the practice of mediumship has its roots in Amazonic Shamanism, the Umbanda tradition and European spiritism and is considered to include the incorporation of specific beings and entities for teaching and healing.
Céu do Montréal Rules of the Salão on Mediumship
There are many different schools of mediumship world-wide, with diverse beliefs and practices. In the Santo Daime there are a number of different types of mediumship teachings/trainings used in the Works. The study is deep, the apprenticeship is long, and requires simplicity, discipline and humility.
Anyone actively working in their mediumship in a manner that could be disruptive to the current should do so in the healing area.
Once grounded in mediumship, one receives permission to stay in their place. Céu do Montréal mediumship follows two styles, both styles only work with the Light and with the Guardians of the Light.
Mestre Irineu’s “Zen” style, in which everything that enters the Work is sent to the Light, and spiritual guides, helping Beings and beings are called to assist in the Works through the hymns and prayers.
Mae Baixinha’s style, some incorporation of these Beings/beings to assist in the Works. Specific hymns and “pontos (calls) are sung for helping Beings and beings to assist in the Works. Specific Works of Cura, healing, devoted to the service of the Guardians of the Light and helping guides and beings.
Not permitted:
• Examining/staring into people’s “space”.
• Touching people without permission and with intentions other than what is needed for their safety/wellbeing or by their request.
• Doing psychic readings, that is, telling people anything about what was/is “seen” in their space, such as darkness, entities, past lives, etc.
• Claims of being a “healer” or of being a medium that can heal/remove resolve things they claim to see/read in someone’s aura/psychic space.
• Diagnosing or interpreting people’s spiritual experiences.
Touching any personal objects on the Altar or side tables without permission.
For more information:
An Open Door (PDF)