
Madrinha Jessica Rochester

Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester is the Madrinha and President of Céu do Montréal, founded in 1997 in Montréal, Canada. She is an ordained Inter-Faith Minister with a Doctorate in Divinity. A Transpersonal counsellor, she trained in the work of Dr. Roberto Assagioli and trained with Dr. Stanislav Grof. From 2001 to 2017 she worked with Health Canada to achieve the recognition of the Santo Daime as a legitimate religion and the right to import the Santo Daime Sacrament for ritual use. In June 2017, this mission was accomplished and Céu do Montréal received an Exemption to import and serve the Santo Daime Sacrament. For more information please see the legalization section.

She is the author of Ayahuasca Awakening, A Guide to Self-Discovery, Self-Mastery and Self-Care
Volume One and Volume Two:

Volume one and Volume two available on Amazon or Freisen Press.
For many  other podcasts, audios and publications on entheogens, consciousness and transformation, please visit her website:

Ayahuasca Awakenings: Interview with Rev Dr. Jessica Rochester
Ayahuasca Awakening, A Guide to Self-Discovery, Self-Mastery and Self-Care, Volumes One and Two, were written in response to frequent requests for me to put into a “guidebook” the theories and concepts that I teach. It is my sincere hope that these books will provide readers with the information they need to navigate their personal journey of self-discovery. Jessica Rochester D.Div. March 4, 2022

Stephen Gray interviews Rev Dr Jessica Rochester on her books: Ayahuasca Awakening, and the emerging field of psychedelic therapies and the need for guidelines.