Q & A Session Videos

Céu do Montreal offers the following videos to provide education to the general public about these Sacred Plants.

Nous regrettons de ne pas avoir de version française des présentations.

Presentation and Q&A on the Santo Daime with Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester, February 16th, 2022:

Running time – 01:03:32


Click here to watch the full version (link to Google Drive)

Presentation on the Santo Daime, Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester, October 13th, 2021:

Running time – 00:24:49

Click here to watch the full version (link to Google Drive)

Q&A with Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester, October 13th, 2021:

Running time – 00:36:32

Click here to watch the full version (link to Google Drive)

The Search for Consciousness, Meaning and Spirituality:

Running time – 00:36:21


Click here to watch the full version (link to Google Drive)

Q&A with Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester, February 10th, 2021:

Running time – 00:44:54


Click here to watch the full version (link to Google Drive)