The Tenets of the Faith

The Santo Daime promotes a wholesome lifestyle in conformity with Mestre Irineu’s motto of Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice  as well as other key doctrinal values such as strength, humility, kinship, and purity of heart.

1. We believe in the existence of an omniscient, omnipresent
and omnipotent God, whose principal attribute is universal cosmic love
and who manifests throughout all creation.

2. We believe in the existence of an Imperial Kingdom of
Divine Beings including: the Divine Eternal Father; the Divine Sovereign
Mother; Lord Jesus Christ; the Patriarch St. Joseph; St. John the
Baptist; Angels; Archangels and other hierarchies of Angels who,
together with the illuminated saints make up the Celestial Court.

3. We dedicate special devotion to the Archangels Michael,
Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel, and to the different spiritual beings of the
Astral who emanate from the Holy Spirit; and serve Christ in
illuminating human consciousness.

4. We respect the manifestations and the spiritual beings
from the different native traditions of Africa and the American
continents, ancestral spirits who are entities with healing abilities
and immense wisdom.

5. We believe in the protection and guidance of these Divine
Beings for the purpose of cleansing our emotional, mental and spiritual

6. We believe in the Holy Doctrine as received by Master
Raimundo Irineu Serra, through an apparition of Our Lady in the form of
the Queen of the Forest.

7. We believe that the Second Coming of Christ, symbolized by
the second arm of our Cross of Caravaca, refers to the mission of
Master Juramidam.

8. We believe that the Second Coming of Christ also has an
esoteric meaning and must be interpreted with His presence that dwells
within and can be experienced by each one of us.

9. We believe in the Divine purpose of the communion of our
Sacrament, Santo Daime, in the search for self-knowledge which is
revealed through the direct and personal experience with the manifested
presence of the consciousness of Christ that dwells within each of us.

10. We believe that this Christic presence is experienced as an
intimate counselor who teaches us how to become instruments of his
peace and wisdom, realigning ourselves with our internal Divinity.

11. We believe that the Sacrament of the Santo Daime is a
vehicle to the direct experience with the Divine and the Celestial
Kingdom where the Divine Beings dwell.

12. We believe that the Sacrament of the Santo Daime is
fundamental to the ritual of Santo Daime, since it provides the
possibility to access the higher states of consciousness of genuine
mystical experience.

13. We believe that the Daime Sacrament is a sacred marriage of
the masculine and feminine principles, through the boiling of the
Rainha leaf and the Jagube vine.

14. We believe that the tradition of the Santo Daime is based
in the millenary traditions of the Incas and native pre-Colombian
cultures and that it developed out of the direct communion with the
Divine through this living Sacrament used by sages, clairvoyants and
shamans from Antiquity.

15. We believe that this unbroken current of tradition
culminated with Master Raimundo Irineu Serra, who denominated Ayahuasca –
named after an Inca Prince, and the Sacrament of the peoples subjugated
by the European conquest – into the Santo Daime.

16. We believe that our vegetal (plant) Sacrament is the
vehicle of a Divine presence (known as Juramidam) which represents the
spirit of Christ and reveals His doctrines and teachings through the
mirações (state of visionary consciousness) and the hymns.

17. We believe that the hymns received by the Elders, masters
and more experienced members of our religious faith are sacred and
contain spiritual teachings of perpetual and universal value.

18. We believe that the principal messages of the hymns include
the spiritual communion with the Divine; the praising of the celestial
beings; the respect and compassion for our brothers and sisters; faith
in the Divine Eternal Father and the Divine Creative Mother; and the
respect and preservation of Nature.

19. We believe that the rites of this syncretic Doctrine allow
the participants to experience a connection with the Divine in Nature,
with the Universe and with the Superior and Internal being (higher

20. We believe in Redemption and Baptism in this true water of life
that is the Santo Daime, for the remission of sins and the entrance
into a new life.

21. We believe that the Santo Daime Doctrine is experienced by its
followers as a Eucharist of Nature.

22. We believe that the making of the Sacrament is a sacred and
initiatory process, to be performed according to rules handed down
directly from the Queen of the Forest to Master Irineu.

23. The Santo Daime rituals are called “Works”, because through
them we believe initiates have the conscious responsibility for
correcting personal flaws and transforming themselves during the
religious service.

24. We believe we have the responsibility to transform ourselves and
to develop into more evolved and Christ-like beings.

25. We believe in the eternal life of the soul, in
reincarnation and in the examination of our incarnations, in the light
of the clairvoyance provided by the Santo Daime, to understand our Karma
and to remove the obstacles for the evolution of our spirit.

26. We believe that in our “work” it is possible to obtain
spiritual healing – since it is part of the natural process that one
experiences in the search for one’s true Self and unity with the Divine.

27. We believe in the daily practice of prayer and meditation,
in the practice of forgiveness, of charity, humility, and in the
obedience to the spiritual teachings revealed internally through the
communication with the Divine provided by the Santo Daime.

28. We believe in a sacred life in the context of a community
dedicated to this goal. The community of the Santo Daime believes that
living a religious life is more important than having religious

29. The community is viewed as a brother and sister hood and
this familial relationship includes also a profound identification and
empathy with the elements of Nature, the spiritual beings of the forest,
rivers, oceans, the wind, the sun, the moon and the stars of the

30. We believe in the importance of preserving and respecting Nature,
fauna, flora, and all living creatures.

31. We believe that harmony with Nature and other beings, as
well as living a community life with ecological consciousness is part of
the foundation of our spiritual Doctrine.

32.  As individuals and responsible citizens, we believe in the
respect and fulfillment of our responsibilities, civil and collective.

33. We recognize the right of an individual to choose his/her religion
and/or spiritual path.

34. The adherence to the Santo Daime is voluntary. The
initiation (official entrance into the brother/sisterhood) is also
voluntary. The retirement from the Santo Daime is voluntary; no type of
restriction applies. Proselytizing is prohibited. The Santo Daime
receives all who search spiritual comfort. The same principles are
followed in all communities of the Santo Daime, independently of
nationality, race, color or belief. The Santo Daime differs from other
religions of masses by not searching for new followers. It assumes the
charitable mission of not inviting, at the same time receiving, without
discrimination, all who search.

35. Our religion, although a Christian confession, has eclectic
roots and as such respects and sometimes incorporates into its
teachings some elements from other main spiritual traditions of